A csase study of the Healthy Food Community of Practice written by Engage R+D
Healthy Food Community of Practice Summary Report
Through three key outcome areas, this report provides a summary of the progress made by the Healthy Food Community of Practice during their time together.
Participatory Grantmaking: A Tool for Deeper Relationships & Impact in Communities
This report offers a detailed summary of how the Healthy Food Community of Practice shifted power and resources through a participatory grantmaking process that deepened their impact, fostered new ways of working, and made space for experimentation all while bringing the Healthy Food community closer together.
Networks for Education Equity Community of Practice Overview
Activites and outcomes from a community of practice focused on supporting better outcomes for Black and Latino students and students experiencing poverty.
A Network Approach to Educator Support
This report synthesizes key takeaways from the Networks for Education Equity cohort facilitated by Community Wealth Partners.
Activating Donors for Change: Five Themes from Community Foundations
Many community foundations see an opportunity to connect donors to the organizations that are making a difference on critical issues in the community. This article shares give themes from what some community foundations are trying and learning.
Case Study: The Pittsburgh Foundation–What’s possible when program and donor services teams work together toward shared goals
For the Pittsburgh Foundation, intentional integration of the teams on key areas of work has led to more engaged donors and more dollars moved to make positive change happen in its community.
Sharing Power with Communities: A Field Guide
This field guide offers practical tips and examples to help you authentically engage and share power with the communities most impacted by your work.
COVID-19 Resources
Resources to navigate challenges and seize opportunities raised by the pandemic.
Field Guide: Making Capacity Building More Equitable
Many funders grapple with what it can look like to make capacity-building offerings more equitable. This field guide offers ways to rethink capacity building with equity at the center.